Propagation Books 

These books provide much valuable information on the propagation of a wide variety of plants. They are very useful and of value to everyone from the novice to the professional.


hartkstcvr.jpg (29963 bytes)hartksttp.jpg (11360 bytes)Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices by Hartmann and Kester

Prentice Hall
1983 edition

This book is a basic horticultural textbook on everything anyone ever wanted to know about the principles of plant propagation. It is considered THE PLANT PROPAGATION BOOK by many professionals and is periodically updated.


maccvr.jpg (30899 bytes)mactp.jpg (11134 bytes)Practical Woody Plant Propagation for Nursery Growers by A. Bruce Macdonald

Timber Press
Portland, Oregon
Volume 1 1986

This book attempts to cover every aspect of plant propagation from the viewpoint of the nurseryman rather than the student. Instead of representing the science of how to propagate plants, Macdonald presents how the nurseryman actually goes about it. Volume 2 is being eagerly awaited. It will detail by species how to propagate different plants.


seedscvr.jpg (18599 bytes)seedstp.jpg (10435 bytes)Seeds of Woody Plants in the United States by C. S. Schopmeyer, Technical Coordinator

Forest Service, U. S. Dept. Agriculture
Washington,  DC  1974

This book was compiled for anyone working with the seeds of trees and shrubs in North America. The first sections are devoted to seed biology, collecting, marketing, testing, and the handling of pollen. The heart of the book gives detailed descriptions of the structure, collection, extraction, and germination treatment of the seed for each of the common genera and species found in North America. This book is now being published by Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.




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